Committee Members

Meet our Committee Members

Our dedicated committee members ensure the smooth operation and vibrant community spirit of Thame Games Club. Each member brings a unique set of skills and a shared passion for tabletop gaming. Our club is sponsored by RSM Technology Limited (Alex’s Company) and Incognate Limited (John’s Company), and we thrive on member feedback. 

Get to know the people behind the scenes who make our club a welcoming and inclusive space for everyone. You can check out our committee contacts below and their top 3 games!

Chair – John Bancroft

As the Chair John oversees all club activities, ensuring we stay true to our mission and values, but also brings his marketing skills to bear in promoting the club. With over 12 months of committee experience and involvement in growing the club since 2019, John guides our strategic direction and upholds our inclusive ethos.

Brass Birmingham, Distilled, Scarface 1920


Vice-Chair – Alex Whitfield

Alex as the  Vice-Chair supports the Chair and steps in as interim Chair if needed. Alex plays a crucial role in assisting with club governance and member engagement, but also uses his technology skills in to play in order to look after the more technical elements of the website. He is also the main admin on the Facebook Group.

Eldritch Horror, Twilight Imperium, Twilight Struggle

Secretary – Rachael Bancroft

As Secretary Rachael manages our committee communications and documentation, ensuring all meetings and decisions are well-recorded and accessible to members. Rachael also plays a key role in our media and promotion and is often found (and more comfortable) behind a camera using her media production skills to help create promotional material. 

Meadow, Dog Park, Hallertau

Treasurer – Duncan Spence

Duncan as Treasurer handles all of the finances, maintaining transparency and accountability for all club funds. He ensures our financial health and manages all of the ins and outs of sponsorships as well as dealing with any member donations moving forward.

Ticket to Ride, Next Station London, Elfenland


Membership Coordinator – Siân Jenkins

Siân is our Membership Coordinator, and most recent appointment to the committee. Siân also helped John to set up and run the Thame Club Fair which helped to promote our club and others in the area. She is the primary point of contact for new and existing members and aims to ensure a seamless joining process and help maintain our inclusive community spirit.

Terraforming Mars, Splendor, Carcassonne

Feel free to reach out to any committee member via email (found in the constitution) for any queries or support. Together, we strive to make Thame Games Club a fantastic place for all tabletop gaming enthusiasts! 


John Bancroft
25576 points
Dark mode